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Self-Mastery Circle

Starting October 2nd


This is your sanctuary, your guide through the ups and downs of life, helping you deepen your relationship with yourself, and others, to find balance, and grow into the best version of yourself. Here, you’ll find the tools, practices, and a like minded community—people who are navigating the same ups and downs, looking for ways to stay grounded and make each day a little brighter. 

Whether you’re dealing with stress, feeling stuck, lonely or just want a consistent practice that leads you back to wholeness, the Self-Mastery Circle is here for you. We’re all about making life richer, more meaningful, and a little easier to handle—together.

What is Self-Mastery?

Self-Mastery is the art of knowing yourself deeply on all levels and using that knowledge to guide your actions, thoughts, and emotions. In the yogic tradition, it’s about aligning with your true nature—going beyond the surface to understand who you really are at your core. It’s a commitment to self-awareness, discipline, and growth, leading to a life that feels authentic, joyful and fulfilling.

Ancient sages knew that the foundation of lasting change lies in consistent practice and community.

That’s why at the heart of this program lies Sadhana – your daily spiritual practice, supported by the global community of committed practitioners. 

What is Sadhana?

Sadhana is more than a practice; it’s a deliberate, daily effort to nurture the most important relationship you’ll ever have—the one with yourself. It’s the art of self-study, a continuous journey towards deeper self-awareness and growth.

About Self-Mastery Circle

Curated from years of study, personal practice, and lived experience, the Self-Mastery Circle is a rich tapestry of diverse traditions and offerings that guide you towards inner wisdom and truth. 

Each month, we align our focus with the collective energy, offering you a toolbox of practices that empower you to select what resonates with your soul and cultivate conscious, lasting habits.

This is a space of co-creation. If you’re new to these practices, you’ll find support and guidance every step of the way. If you’re a seasoned practitioner, you’ll discover a community where you can share your expertise and deepen your practice alongside like-minded individuals.

Every day, we gather in our virtual sanctuary to practice together. Each month, we come together for  gatherings, embodied practices, inspiring discussions, guest expert sessions, and more.

What to Expect:

  • Live Daily Practice5 times per week we come together in our virtual sanctuary to do sadhana. The practice is approximately 20-30 minutes which includes meditation, breathwork and/or gentle movement.These sessions are designed to ground you, no matter where you are in your life.
  • Monthly Themes: Each month, we dive into a new theme that aligns with the collective energy, offering a fresh perspective and renewed focus. Our themes guide your practice with intention and purpose.

  • Community & Co-CreationThis is a space for co-creation where we all learn from each other. You’ll be part of a like-minded community where you’ll feel supported, connected, and inspired. Here, you’ll not only deepen your practice but also forge meaningful friendships and even find opportunities to collaborate with others on shared passions. 

  • Guest Experts & WorkshopsWe invite a diverse range of guest experts to lead special sessions, offering you deeper insights into various practices and topics. 
  • Daily Inspiration:Every day, we bring you a dose of inspiration to uplift and motivate you on your journey. Whether it’s a mindful reminder, or a piece of wisdom from ancient traditions, our daily inspiration helps you stay connected to your intentions and keeps your practice alive throughout the day. 
  • Book Club:Each month, we explore a book that complements our focus, offering fresh perspectives on spirituality, personal growth, and holistic living. 

  • Bonus Sessions:  Dive deeper with our 60-90 minute classes on various topics, from restorative yoga to Kundalini journeys. Plus, connect with the powerful energy of the lunar cycles in our Full Moon and New Moon sessions, where we reflect, release, and set new intentions.

The Self-Mastery Circle Will Help You

  • Cultivate consistent meditation practice
  • Create conscious habits 
  • Develop deeper relationship with yourself 
  • Befriend your mind 
  • Learn tools to relieve stress and anxiety 
  • Gain a sense of purpose 
  • Cultivate  deep inner peace  
  • Grow and evolve with joy and ease 
  • Connect with like-minded community 
  • Find support in challenging moments in life

This Program For You If:

  • You are a busy professional, a householder or a creative who doesn’t have enough hours in the day. 
  • You often feel overwhelmed with life and the challenges that are going on in the world. 
  • You are ready to develop a self-care practice that nurtures body, mind and soul.
  • You are feeling drained by surface level conversations, yearning for deeper and more meaningful experiences and connections.
  • You want to establish a deeper understanding of ancient traditions, wisdom and spirituality. 
  • You often feel lonely or isolated and are longing for a like-minded community. 
  • You are looking for practical tools to manage stress, regulate emotions, and cultivate inner peace.

How Does It Work?

This Self-Mastery Circle is an open enrollment container where you can join at any time. 

  • After your investment you’ll receive a link to a private group in the Telegram channel (you will have to download the app, it’s like WhatsApp) with easy access from the palm of your hand. Every day we connect in our online Sanctuary for inspiration, support and empowerment.
  • Five days a week, we gather for collective Sadhana practice. On the other two days, you’re encouraged to practice independently, helping you build discipline and deepen your commitment to self-mastery.
  • Each month you have 4 different practices (about 20-30 minutes), 1 per week. 
  • Each month focuses on a theme where we hone in on a practice that supports it, accompanied by community connection, guest experts and special classes. 
  • You can sign up at any time and you will be able to join the ongoing practice and discussions with the access to the previous practices and recordings. 
  • Whether you can attend sessions live or not, they are easily adapted into your life and the community is always here to cheer you  up on the way. 
  • Monthly community check-ins will be done via zoom.

What's the Investment?

$108 per month. You can pay via Venmo, PayPal.

First 30 people get 50% OFF for life.

Pay $54 with no commitment. You can rejoin us any time with the same price. 

*Please note if you pay with PayPal 3,5% of processing fee will be added (total $56.46)

After you make the payment, you will receive a welcome email with the details and private Telegram Group link. If you have any questions, please email at 

The Program Includes:

  • Ongoing access to private group with global community 
  • Monthly Sadhana program with live classes 
  • Expert guests 
  • Bonus live classes and sessions 
  • Community check-ins 
  • Tracking and reward system 
  • Challenges 
  • Book club 
  • Container for continuous self-study, growth and inspired living.
  • Ancient practices from different traditions to deepen your practice (Tantra, Kundalini, Vedic teachings and more). 
  • Accountability and support 
  • Peer learning
  • Easy access even for those who are not tech savvy. 
  • Daily dose of wisdom, inspiration and motivation

Schedule and Theme for October 2024

“Finding Stability in the Season of Change”.


  • Every Monday to Friday – 20-30 minute Live Morning Sadhana (Includes Himalayan Kriya, Kundalini, Breathwork, Meditation, Movement).


*Please note live sessions will alternate:

  • NEW YORK (EASTERN TIME) between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. 
  • UTAH (MOUNTAIN TIME) between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
*We’ll remind you of the exact times each week so you don’t miss out! 
  • October 17th-Virtual Full Moon Gathering + Meditation. 
  • “Ayurveda for Fall Season”-date to be specified. 
  • Journey Within- 90 minute integrated practice for Mind, Body and Soul.


How much time should I plan to spend on this course?

Daily live sessions are 20-30 minutes.You are welcome to join us live or practice at your own convenience. Special bonus classes, webinars and Moon practices will be longer. 

-How do I access the course?

Upon signing up, you will receive a welcome email with the link to the private group in Telegram App. Download Telegram (it’s free app). You will have access to all live classes, discussions, expert webinars. Once you access the group, you’ll find the guidance there.

-How does the payment work?

It’s a monthly payment of $108. You will pay the investment manually each month to renew the membership. There is no automated subscription. No commitment, cancel any time.

-What is the refund policy?

You can receive a 100% refund up to one day before the course begins. After the course begins, there are no refunds.

Have more questions? 

We would love to connect with you. Please email at 

“At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want” (Lao Tzu)

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